First, I want to say that I hope you are doing well! My top concern is that you stay healthy and happy in this stressful time. Please let me know if you are having a hard time in case there is something I can do to help you.
As the powers above have determined, we must charge ahead with the course in a purely online way, though for us, I hope, that will not be too big an adjustment. Here is how the course will work for the remaining FIVE weeks of class:
- I have updated our calendar to reflect the new schedule. We will continue working in Google Drive documents just as before, but the drafting, feedback, and revision process will be more spread out. Browse through the calendar and click on the agenda items to see what I mean. We’re taking it slow and steady.
- The Final Self-Assessment essay will still happen (more on that later).
- The Annotated Bibliography is cancelled.
And that’s it! If you need any help with anything, please let me know. We can do face time in Google Hangouts anytime you want. Here is the website for Google Hangouts: You can use the same Gmail address that you used for Google Drive to log in. Then you can start a “new conversation” with me by clicking the green plus button and typing in To give me a heads up about a face time meeting, please email me at Remember, I cannot receive emails at my gmail account. If you are using a phone or tablet, you can download Google Hangouts at your app store.
Again, I want nothing more than to extend my support to you during this strange time. UNG has extended the Withdrawal deadline to April 10, so if you are in a really stressful situation due to sickness, taking care of family, working, whatever the case might be, you can consider dropping courses this semester without fear of GPA penalty. I hope you will stay in your courses, but I understand if you cannot. Please try not to feel bad if you need to withdraw.
What we all need to do in this time is what is best for our health and happiness.
Your teacher,
Dr. H