Rough Drafts

For each paper, you will first write a rough draft that will be due at the designated time on the calendar. In order to receive full credit on a rough draft, you must write a complete rough draft in your Google writing folder for this course.

For regular essays, rough drafts must be complete drafts, so be sure that your rough draft is 800-1000+ words and has a finished beginning, middle, and end. All of your paragraphs should be written and complete: TWO for the beginning, at least THREE in the middle, and at least ONE at the end. No short paragraphs--all must have developed content. Failure to have a complete draft will result in an "incomplete" grade, but if your draft is truly complete, you don't need to worry about how strong it is. It is a rough draft; however, "rough" does not mean "partial"--it just means "first attempt." You can create your document for a paper by opening "1102.Paper.Template" in our Shared Course Documents folder. Once it is open, "make a copy" of it by selecting this option in the File menu. Rename the new copy and move it to your writing folder. You can type your rough draft in this new document. Your draft must be finished by the time class begins on the due date.

For Paper 1, use this filename: LastName.FirstName.Paper.1.S20
For Paper 2, use this filename: LastName.FirstName.Paper.2.S20

There will be a deadline for the complete rough draft, but the calendar might show deadlines for parts of the draft first. Keep track of these deadlines so that you can stay on track with finishing your draft.