
Learn about rough drafts compared to revised drafts.

You will write TWO papers this semester:
  • Paper 1
  • Paper 2

Your topic for each of the first two papers will be based on a particular example from the work that demonstrates a strategy/idea combination that intrigues you, something the author does visually, through the paneling, that makes you sit up and pay attention. This is your starting point. From there, you will need to develop a discussion, based on a particular strategy used by the author to communicate an idea, that accounts for your experience reading the story. How do the author's paneling choices contribute to the clarity and success of the thought-provoking idea the story gave you? You need to look for visual strategies or paneling choices (in combination with words) that create the meaning you find in the story you read.

Each of you will store your papers in your Google Drive writing folder; please grant me "edit" access to the entire folder so that I have automatic access to every document you put in the folder. You will also share individual documents with other students, who will make suggestions and write responses to your work. In addition, the two papers will be typed using standard MLA formatting. You can use this template, which has the MLA formatting already set up for you.